Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Pull up to my bumper baby

It might make the difference between rafting the rapids and pushing on a slowly revolving door but the need for speed on the roads of Dubai hijacks the most law-abiding citizens.

When you visit Dubai, you will definitely notice how drivers feel the need to drive bumper-to-bumper, in fact you are forced to do so, else another car will simply maneuver into your breaking distance allowing you to get a nice close up view of the disgusting gold tissue box on their dashboard.

You're cruising at 120kms in the fast lane and out of nowhere, this maniac is right up your bumper flashing his lights to get you out of the way. On many occasions you will find you cannot change lanes, however the tool behind you persistently drives right up your tail. I've found a rather effective remedy for this; simply gently tap on the breaks (I must add, I will only do this if no one is behind him) and watch his face in the rear view! The expression is usually open-mouthed disbelief and depending on where they are from, it may be followed by sinister revenge – be warned!

I read an article on how speed limits have been increased on certain roads from 120kms/p/h to 160. In a city where they desperately need to reduce the number of road fatalities and given that excessive speeding causes the majority of the accidents, I’d say it's a step in the wrong direction!



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