Wednesday, March 22, 2006

i've turned!

to my dismay, i found myself hurling up the escalators, stampeding past the ticket inspectors, huffing and puffing like a bull about to launch the bullfighter.. all for what?.. to catch my train!

the feeling you get after running like a woman on speed, to make it through the doors of a train, have them shut immediately behind you whilst you tug at your coat to release it from the doors trappings is such an incredibly rewarding feeling! (dim the lights, cue national anthem whilst the gold medal beams on your chest). No really!

Mind you, i'd never go through that palava to catch the train on the way to work! These moments are only reserved for my journey home.

Only 5 months ago, I merrily skipped along the platform whilst tutting and f'ing at the dumb ass commuters who ran blindly to catch their trains when another one was approaching minutes later. It was even worth missing your train, only to stand by the doors and watch the last 6 or 7 people making the mad 100 metre dash to catch the train. Watching their expressions whilst they do this was highly amusing.


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I just don't do sprinting for tubes. Overground trains yes, tubes no, unless it's the Circle or District line which now that i think about it are useless! I am always entertained by people getting body parts trapped in the tube doors... Nice to hear from you!

7:39 AM  

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