Friday, November 18, 2005

Things you forget...

..about London after living in Dobuy:

1- How freakin cold it gets! The morning i touched down, i was lucky enough to receive a rather warm welcome; 12c for 6am is an exceptionally mild reception. However, 2 weeks later, my boney lil ass is seriously freezin some! Shall be investing in long-johns or whatever thermals are in vogue!

2- Which way to look while crossing the road. You rarely cross a road in Dobuy, so at the moment i just look everywhere!

3- i) how to walk
ii) how to walk with heels. For the past 3.5 years, my footwear consisted of open toed sandals and trainers. Now, i'm wearing boots and walk like i spent too much time sitting on a horse!

4- How helpful and genuinely friendly sales assistant in shops are

5- How miserable commuters are

6- How impatient commuters are

7- How to stand on the tube ensuring a stable centre of gravity so you're not tossed about the carriage whilst everyone watches and laughs. Of course this didn't happen to me!

8- You cannot step outside in t-shirt and flip flops and have a fag!

9- You don't speak to people in pigeon engerlish!

10- How to drive a manual

11- How fun it is to ride a double decker bus

12- How beautiful London is at night

13- How beautiful the cold crisp mornings are

14- What it feels like to breathe in fresh air

15- Not everyone takes themselves seriously

16- How damn cool the wondow displays in Harvey Nics and Selfridges are

17- What it feels like to feel anonymous and safe

18- What it's like to see elderly people hobbling down the street

19- you can't immediately think that any Indian person you meet is going to screw you over

20- The beauty in something old

21- That there will be a time when someone's armpit is in your face and it's normal.

Gad damn its so good to be back!


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I was laughing whilst reading this list. London *is* really beautiful at night. Whenever we have to drive to a club through the centre of London and go across Tower Bridge etc I am blown away by what a fabulous city we live in. God I love London!

1:50 PM  

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