Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tune me in, turn me on

Between around 7.30am to 9am and 5pm to 7pm from Monday to Friday, routes into London are like a parallel universe. Hidden deep underneath the Regent Street Christmas lights, way below Trafalgar Square, there is an unsaid culture which is only valid between the times and days specified above. It’s the commuter culture,

In Dobuy, commuters are those people traveling in their own bubblemobile at 5kms an hour, doing a journey which only took 15 minutes 2 months ago, but is now taking over 1 hour. More than likely, in 3 months time, this journey will take 2 hours. That’s 4 hours a day; almost 1 whole day a week they are sat idle, time which will never return. So for 1 month a year, they are sat in traffic. How fabulous, so that’s why I’ve got that maid to clean my flat, why I pay a couple a quid for a bad dry cleaner who’s fucked up all my Armani suits. It certainly is why I can pay less for petrol to fuel my 4x4 gas guzzler, which incidentally has doubled in running costs in the past 3 years.

So what could be perceived as the ultimate in luxury commuting; your own space to and from work, becomes your jail cell. Imagine being trapped in time for 1 month every year with the only choice of sounds being the relentlessly awful drone on the radio, your ipod, your CD collection, or the hum of your air conditioning. You cannot sit there and read the newspaper, you cannot go through 2 books a week, and neither can you get any creative stimulation, as the only views you get are awful “towers” being erected by slaves or the twats driving around in the pose-mobiles.

Anyways, back to London, everywhere you go commuters are plugged in, every other person are wearing those distinctive white earphones. It’s certainly something I’ve failed to notice in the past, but this could be because the iPod was non-existent last time I was a commuter.

There is no where for people to wear them in Dobuy unless you want to walk around a shopping mall posing one. It does however have a whole new meaning with commuters and has become an essential survival tool to block out the outside world. Making the journey more bearable.

SO DUKO, ever heard of it? Me either until I touched started talking to people who commute. It’s a new puzzle stealing commuters mind’s whilst they are all bopping back and forth in unison. Kinda like a crossword but using numbers; highly addictive as well as intellectually stimulating; a fantastic combination severely lacking in Dobuy.


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I love Sudoku! I have the Carol Vorderman book and was having a sneaking game online today at work. As for the iPod, I am besotted with mine which I've had for heading towards 2 years. The worst thing that can happen is when someone asks me a question and I have to take the headphone out. It is paradise but the other thing you need with them is the logic 3 speakers as you can unleash the tunes. Yes I'm obsessed! Have you played solitaire vegas on the MDA Compact?

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You only left Dubai recently right?
Were you reading newspapers whilst in Dubai. Sudoku has been in Gulf News and 7-Days for the last five to six months. Don't you read? or were you too busy ranting at everything to bother. You seem a bit dense

10:29 PM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

anonymous - thanks, yuo've only jsut noticed i'm thick? who's the thick one?!

i rarely read the "newspapers" there becuase i found it a mind numbingly irritatingly awful read- but then a thicko like you wouldnt notice the difference?!

u obviously missed my point for mentioning Soduko and please stop trying to prove that Dobuy has an edge cos its blunt as your mind.. now run along.

2:26 AM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

NML: oh man, my life would be empty without the ipod! yes tried the vegas solitaire!!

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firstly its spelt SUDOKU. Secondly don't blame Dubai for your igorance or laziness in reading a newspaper. Thirdly learn to spell. Fourthly I was'nt trying to point out that Dubai has an edge, merely that you seem dense. Finally I've succeeded.

3:07 AM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

i am glad that i have inspired you so much that you have returned to my blog twice :-) if only the Gulf Drizzle News had the same effect upon me - it doesnt quite carry the same prestige as The Times, no matter how much it proclaims itself.

bless you for correcting my engerlish my love, but i really don't get your point as you quite obviously have completey missed mine... now run along

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What makes you think I've missed your point or points?

Do you think reading one of Rupert Murdoch's newspapers gives you more prestige?( do you even know that he also owns 'The Sun' .....doh !).

Your VPL is showing...do something quick about it !

11:18 PM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

god you really are boring me now.. why don't you go read the Gulf Drizzle if you love it so much.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your problem is that you have'nt been 'bored' in ages.. or is it eons???
wot's da matter? no one like you?

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Err ...

You know what ... though I do enjoy your posts ... I have to agree with anon that Sudoku has been around in Dubai for quite a while. In fact it's now available in all newspapers except ( I think) KT. Was quite a rage too. Too bad you missed out on it while you were here, for now you'll always say that Dubai never had anything so "intelectually stimulating". Not that I'm a fan of this place, but you gatta take the good with the bad.

Keep posting.

4:31 AM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

ok, that one slipped by, shoot me for not wanting to read the Gulf Drizzle..

5:38 AM  

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