Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It's gonna be a bright, bright, sunshining day...


As the summer draws nearer, it reminds me of Dobuy. I woke up this morning to the sunshining, excitedly thinking -ooOOoo time to dig out my Dobuy wardrobe? Is it time to rip open that huge box overflowing with sandals yet? Time to get a pedicure? I haven't had a pedicure since i landed here.

One thing which you did not have to experience in Dobuy was standing next to a chap who absolutely stunk the pong out of heaven in a confined space, for more than 10 minutes! Actually I tell a lie; here, you usually only get the odd one or two, whilst in Dobuy you could get attacked by a swarm of offenders at any given moment from all directions. Worse still, they are all clearing their throats, spitting out phlegm and grabbing their balls, so all your senses are invaded.

Stale BO has to be one of the most awful smells in the whole universe. On my way home, i was stood on the train gazing out over Canary Wharf whilst plugged in, when all of a sudden I lost the will to breathe. I just could not draw in any air for my brain was telling me "no, don't breathe in toxic gas. stinky poo standing next to you. find the nearest exit and jump".

I've decided to take the bus as the mercury rises as there is no way I will endure the stuffy, sticky and sweaty tubes. I remember a time when I accidentally held onto the metal poles and felt what i can only describe as goo!


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Welcome to my world... Stinky people are part of my daily commute. There are lot of Londoners who aren't au fait with soap, water and deoderant...

9:22 AM  

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