Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Advertising underworld

Driving to work this morning down the darling Sheikh Zayed Road, I am fortunate enough to drive against the traffic both to and from work. No accidents this morning - a rarity. The air is still filled with remnants of the sand storm we experienced yesterday so temperatures make a 1 minute walk more sufferable than usual. During the 20 minute drive, you can see about 50 towers being built along the way, all no doubt with offensivley garish names such as Tiffany Towers, Park Towers, Plonka Palace Towers, Diamond Tower, Big Pointy Tower etc..Quite possibly as much thought went into the name as did the architecture.

Another noticeably notable observation are the rediculous numbers of billboards appearing and they are all humungous! I am quite surprised that the largest billboard in the world has not yet been erected! Musn't forget the new black of billboards... decorating the tall buildings up and down Sheikh Zayed Road's more populated patch. SO not only do we have fugly buildings, but now they are smeared with eye stabingly monotonous advertising campaigns!

That brings me onto advertising agencies; a bunch of precious underworld himbo's who ponce around their prissy offices wearing designer jeans and sunglasses, think that dropping "conceptual" into a sentance, makes them advertising savvy. PUH leeeease! Gimme a coke, cos i'm about to choke! Agencies consist of mainly 2 types of people; leb mafioso; thickoids, uninspired dimwits or subcontinant wannabees who act particularly petulant to fit in, but tend to have more brains than their counterparts.

I interviewed with a few advertising agencies, including 2 of the largest ones in town. Both positions were for Middle Management, which I actually felt would have been a step down for me, but hey you gotta start somewhere. However during both interviews, the prized pricks strongly suggested i start at the bottom of the ladder amongst the graduates. But they could not come up with a good viable reason aside from the fact that I only have 4 months agency experience which was 10 years ago. I battled it out with them, asking exactly what the role involved and the skills required. I then matched up my experience (albeit in a slightly different context) with the skills required.. but they still could not make any sound explanation.

I stormed out of both meetings. In one of them i mentioned that my 4 months experience over 10 years ago is probably more valueable than working in your agency for 1 year! (yes i know, bitter), The second one i told them that they need to try and think a little bit out of the box... afterall they are supposed to be creative!

5 months later, the 2nd agency called me to offer me a job to which i royally stuck up no fingers at them (else i will get arrested!), but you get ma drift.

lets get retarded!


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I sometimes wonder if I would like to work out in Dubai but i wouldn't want to be treated like that and I work in the same profession as you. I admire your gusto and take no shit attitude!

1:39 PM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

Thanks NML. I really would NOT advise working in this industry out here, as the lack of any professionalism is highly frustrating.

3:19 AM  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I definitely won't then! NK from Dubai Days, a really good friend of mine, says *exactly* the same thing, although he's having such a good time I think that compensates for it!

3:19 AM  

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