Thursday, August 04, 2005

Cave women

Today we were treated with an earlier than expected scrap at the office between sly girl and wench boss. This time it was in wench's office, so the first sounds were muffled shouting which then escalated to;

"stop faking telling me how to do my job!" This was then followed by throwing items off the desk, door slamming and wench lady storming out in a huff. As you can see, I work in a highly professional environment. My boss and colleagues are the epitome of all things sleek and the font of all knowledge.

Every argument in the office involves sly girl. She is of subcontinant origin, not that race really matters, however they definitely are very different in their thinking and mind sets. For example, there have been countless times where another colleague (Frizzy) who sits behind me, wheels her chair upto my desk and asks me a question. If I do not know the answer, i simply respond with a "i don't know". However she seems to think that if she continues to ask me the question, every 10 minutes the answer will come to me?! Maybe she thought i did not understand what she was saying? Or maybe she wanted to ensure she asked the question correctly? Maybe she forgot that she had already asked me 3 times in half an hour? Who can say...

On another occasion, Frizzy came up to me whilst i was having lunch. She reached over, took one of my food items and said "i am taking this". I sat there in complete and utter bewilderment just frozen in mid air! Having witnessed this, Sly colleague later told me Frizzy had tried to take her food first, but Sly said she simply took it off her and said "No you can't have it". I find this behaviour all very cavewomanish! It's bad enough that i hear them hawking and clearing their throats all the time!

eek, better go! Wench woman is nearing...


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Alpha Males - they need a kick in the backside!

4:02 AM  

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