Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bored at work

I resigned last week, so i am currently rediculously bored at work- seriously.. I would even consider watchin Eastenders at this rate! Wish I could watch Big Brother over the internet....

Adding fuel to the fire, i decided to quit smoking (again) today. I quit smoking on a regular basis, so please refrain from congratulatory remarks. Given the extreme extent of my boredom, i can't see it lasting long this time round.

Have decided to have a random ranting session on here as my colleagues are far too weird to talk to. Two of them are currently arguing in the background ... oh no its just escalated into a screaming match! Another day in the doldrams of this dire company... two and half weeks encounting!

Anyway, I just ordered lunch in and it reminded me of a little luxury which Dubai offers one. Yes, order lunch in! Small thing, but tis the small things which count. It's scolding hot outside (48c in the shade to be precise!), making a 1 minute walk feel like a walk in hell! Instead, you can pick up the phone, dial, get it delivered and dine at your desk. One minor detail has been left out though, which kinda balances out the positive aspect of it; communication..

(Subway) Good morning ma'am, what is your order?
(Me) Hi, i would like to order 1 sandwich please
(S) What is your order?
(Me) 1 6" subway club with ceaser dressing, no pickle, no chillie, no onions and no cheese please
(S) Which dressing?
(Me) Ceaser
(S) 6" or 12"
(Me) 6
(S) you want cheese?
(Me) no thanks
(S) you want thousand island dressing?
(Me) No, ceaser please
(S) You want all fillings?
(Me) (bit irritated by this point!) no, i would like without chillie, pickle or onions please
(S) Which sandwich you want?
(S) ok, 1 6" club with ceaser dressing, no onions, no chillie, no pickle. You want cheese?
(ME) No thank you, no cheese.
(S) Anything else, cookie, drinks, meal?
(Me) No thank you, nothing else
(S) Your location
(Me) #$%$%$
(S) your name and number
(Me) $*&$(*&#$
(S) Ok, that will be 1 hour
(Me) 1 hour?? its 11am, why 1 hour?
(S) We need to look at traffic
(Me) You deliver on motorbike, you don't have to watch traffic and you only 5 minute away from my office.

(S) It busy, we have lot of customers, its busy lunch time
(Me) It's 11am, it is not peak lunch time and it take 5 minutes.
(S) ok, 45 minutes then
(Me) thank you!

1 and half hour later, lunch arrives. Excuses of the driver being in a road accident - he fell off his bike and was sent to hospital (an excuse they use on a weekly basis).

gosh i need a fag!


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Does this mean that you're leaving Dubai? I think you can watch BB on the internet if you have broadband. Check the Channel 4 website. Even for me, the antics are a bit much for me but I can't stop watching it!

11:14 AM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

oh, thanks for the tip NML.. gives me somethin to do whilst lookin busy at work.

g-string- you're gonna have to talk me thro how to erase all my internet files and cookies then before i leave!

2:37 PM  

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