Sunday, August 07, 2005

Storm in a teacup

Back in the doldrums today and an interesting turn of events after the drama on thursday.

After sly's blazing row with wench woman, wencho storms out but then returns an hour later after no doubt inhaling 2 packs of fags and casting a few of her spells. This was followed by Sly "handing in her papers" (resigning) and then storming out. Later in the day wencho tells me that Sly wanted wencho to sack scotboy (scottish new chap with enough chips on shoulders to open a chippy!).

Later in the day, Big Egyptian (BE) sales guy was sacked, which i thought was rather unfair.

So today i prance into the office only 5 minutes late - not bad considering last week I was arriving half hour to 45 minutes late. And there i see Sly sittin at her desk and so is BE. We were all obvioulsy quite puzzled as to why she was there after the bollywood drama scene on thursday morning. Wench calls me into her office and she informs me that "something is happening and i am not happy. If she stays then i am going". I am thinking, ok, thanks for the news but i really don't want to know!

See now i just want to ride out my last few weeks here keeping my head down, but for some reason all my colleagues feel the need to tell me their business or ask me about people's business! Such is the nature of small companies out here - far too much politics!

I then disappear on my own to have a fag to think about the holiday i am planning, but sly follows me. I didnt want to hear about any of the nonsense going on, so started talking about my holiday. She then interrupts, "wait let me tell you this before someone comes, i resigned, but the FD told me to come back and wait for the MD to return from holiday". 2 minutes later BE comes along and says "i am still here, they had no grounds to sack me and i told them so they withdrew it".

Sounds quite typical for small disorganised companies, but i have heard far worse!

Oh dear, we have 2 new guys start today and wencho just informed me that one of them has to sit next to me and listen to my phone calls for the next 2 or 3 days. That means i have to do some work and sound enthusiasitc and it also means i can't chat on MSN, plan my holiday, listen to ipod, sit crossed in a nice comfy position, go hunting for my slippers under my desk whenever i lose them, surf the web or update my blog at work - DAMN!

The flip side, i don't have to put up with phone calls from annoying people i don't want to speak to or annoying colleagues who just perch in front of my desk and start talking gobble dee gook and neither do i have to put up with Frizzy rolling up to my desk and just being plain weird.

more later


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Jaysus! There is a *lot* of drama in your place. Just continue to try to tune out of it all and it will be over in a matter of weeks! A lot of your colleagues sound like complete arseholes!

1:17 PM  

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