Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Media wh*re

Wenchy witch bum has decided to plonk herself amongst the plebs today to "show us how its done". In case you didn't figure it out already, I sell space in one of the highly reputable media houses in Dubai.. .we really are the pinnacle of publishing professionalism.

What started out to be a pretty damn good yielding magazine (average price per page) has turned into us sales people walking around with our pants firmly round our ankles ready to take anything which comes our way. Wench sat amongst us cackling down the phone to clients promising them "tricky dicky dirty deals". Coming from a woman who's probably had a every cock, dick and harry in the Pan Arab region! She managed to drop from $20k to $5k in the space of 5 minutes. Unparalleled benchmark quality negotiation skills! Just to humour us even more and attempting to make us feel even more worthless, she gets off the phone and says "That's how you do it".

Well excuse me while i refrain from a standing ovation and shouts of "encore, encore".


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Very funny post. I work for a very 'reputable' publisher here in the UK but the pants dropping thing happens everywhere although fortunately for me, not very often. £20K to £5k in five minutes isn't pants dropping - it's commando!

12:29 PM  

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