Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Fringe benefits

One of new werid girl colleagues walked in today sporting one of the best hair faux pas i recall seeing to date. Just a bit of background; she's from Lahore and seemingly comes from a well-to-do family where work is just a past time for her. Weekends are "incredibly busy" (taxi-ing around the in-laws), throwing "big parties" (cooking for the in-laws) and she only ever seems to be interested in idle gossip around the office. "My clients lowe me becuase i am such a social butterfly" and can often be caught in the smoking corner rabbiting on about nothing much. "I lowe fashion and style, Wogue is excellent, it's my faworite magazine after Libas".

I don't know which magazine she took this hairstlye tip from, she should get a refund or call the police. She had straight hair, all one length up to her shoulders. However, today she walks in with a humungous fuck off fringe! Half her head has been converted into a fringe, whilst the remainder has been crimped - yes, CRIMPED! She must have been flicking through an early 80's issue of Wogue this morning.

She tried to talk to me, but i couldnt escape from the fact that she is now wearing a toupee on her forehead.



Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Hilarious! I would struggle to hold the laughter in around her!

3:08 PM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

it's very difficult! and that photo is too damn cute nml!!

8:24 PM  
Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

Maybe she stuck her finger in a light socket.

9:49 AM  

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