Tuesday, August 16, 2005

No barking

I read in the newspaper today that plans are in the pipeline to scrap all free parking on Friday's and public holidays, additionally, they're going to reduce the maximum stay from 2 hours to 1 hour. Great work, perfect way to subsidise the reducing oil revenues and bogus housing market. Surely services should be improved before introducing a reduced parking plan as it takes a squillion times longer to get something done due to poor quality service.

I wonder if they have thought of the repercussions aside from the revenue aspects? Yes they may gain some extra pocket change, however surely this is only shifting the problem, passing the proverbial buck? All the traffic who refuse to pay for parking just might flock to shopping malls where it's free parking and in most shopping malls it's already a mission finding space.

Speaking of parking, i had a tussle with an arab chap this morning. The fuckwit shitfor brains took my space! Yes i know this sorta thing is not just something which just goes on here, but in the 5 years driving in London, it never happened to me while here its a monthly occurance. I'm telling you, people here do NOT have any manners! Upon arrival, i am quite sure they do random searches for manners and confiscate them if they find any on you.

Anyway, I had my indicator on while i was just about to reverse park, when the tosser just comes out of no where and swerves into my space. I reverse so i am parallel to him, wind the window down and;

me "Excuse me, that was my parking space!"
tosser "no it not your barking space, it mine"
me "i was here before you, waiting with my indicator on which means that it's my space"
tosser "i didn't see you anywhere"
me thinking *yeah well thats becuase your bigsmellyfoot on the dashboard was in the way you WANKA!!!*
me "how is that possible, i am right in front of you?WITH MY INDICATOR AND AND REVERSE LIGHTS on"
tosser "i waiting here 20 minutes this my barking space"
me " i think you will find that that's not true and you are lying through your ugly yellow teeth"
tosser "this is my barking space"

by now there was a row of traffic waiting and beeping and rubber necking.

me "you want me to call the police to sort this out?"

yes believe it or not, people do call the police to resolve such petty incidents and they do indeed come along. Who ever they believe, they usually give them the option of prosecuting the alleged offender.

tosser "no, i will call bolice"

by now i am quite amazed how i refrained from swearing at him as i cluttered my sentences together. In such situations it really isn't worth swearing even though the amount of satisfaction it provides is spot on. I've heard of an incident where a white expat woman swore at a dimwitted Arab taxi driver for blocking the road and refused to move for no apparant reason. She then resorted to"get out the f'in way", he calls the police and she has her passport taken and put in jail.

Anyhoo, given that i am not the favoured look, i don't stand a chance with the police! So i just walked away and had visions of sticking apples in his exhaust!

fug fug fug!


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Hilarious! I have decided never to move to Dubai as I would be in jail all the time as I would never have kept my temper!

9:33 AM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

LOL, outspoken people tend not to last too long out here

3:37 AM  

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