Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hey Mr DJ...


Have decided to buy a car charger for the iPod. Battery died yesterday, so i had to endure the dribble on the radio. It really is unbelievably awful. Majority of the radio DJ's are probably ex- Butlin crew. Northerners are particularly offensive as they seem to accentuate their god awful accents in an attempt to sound cool and street.

There's a talk station which i stumbled upon whilst frustratingly channel hopping. I don't recall the name, but it's on 103.8fm. With nothing much really going on aside from a new club opening, another gajillion towers being erected or a new shopping mall, how could they possibly warrant a 24/7 talk radio station? It's actually so bad it's hilarious. The talk radio stations are kinda like the Hello's, Ahlan's and OK of the air waves, only there so people can call in and then tell their friends they were on the radio.

My claim to fame has to be the first time i met a Dubai radio DJ. I was at a launch party and this DJ was amongst many people invited. I was doing the mingling thing and met this lady;

DJ "hi i'm &^%$*# (forgot her name!)" she had a canadian accent.
me "hi i'm Regina Filangee"

she had this strange look on her face, i couldn't place what it was tho..

DJ "so what do you do?"
Me "oh, i do blah blah blah, and how about you?
DJ "Do you ever listen to the radio?" said in a sarcastic tone
Me "I can't say that i do, i don't have a radio"
DJ " You don't own a radio, so you've never listened to the radion in DUbai? Tell you what, i'll buy one and send one to you so you can listen to it"

*that was a little unnecessary* By now i've realised that i think i do actually recognise that annoying patronising little voice!!!

Me "ok, i'm guessing this relates to what you do? Do you sell radio's?"
DJ "No, i am a DJ on XXX station"

Penny drops, the look she gave me was one of hope that i might recognise her and become star struck.

Me "Ahh, excellent. Fab show. There's a reason why i don't listen to the radio love, frankly i think they are all shite"

I then left the party. Yet another gathering of rejects from their home towns, who've come out here and done a little better, so think they are GOD!



Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Gosh I hate those stupid spam ads! Anyway....I love your posts. You're so feisty it's brilliant! We'd be dangerous on a night out! Perfect response for that twat of a DJ!

9:26 AM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

ahh, so thats wot this is! I was sat there reading it wondering what this dave guy was referring to!

i'm not usualy like that, but this woman was plainly rude. but after a few drinks i do get worse :-)

10:18 AM  

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