Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The mind boggles

Pop quiz; how does, removing the word "international" from the name of the company make it more international? Oh and charge $8.4m for the exercise?

How can some guys breathe whilst wearing trousers so tight and riding them so high, that they make nipple pants look less unacceptable?

How can people drive so slow in the fast lane, whilst all the lanes to the right of them are empty?

How can one stink of BO so bad, i mean so bad that it stinks the pong out of high heaven, first thing in the morning? Every single morning without fail, when i pass this particular colleagues desk I actually cannot see, as this particualr flavour of Old Spice BO makes my head spin.

Why is it, that my really weird colleague felt the need to show off her weight loss (but is still fat), by doing weird inappropriate stretching exercises whilst having a fag, demonstrating her new found agility? In the process she managed to rip the entire right inseam of the trousers she has only recently managed to "squeeze" into.

sometimes it makes you wonder how you keep from going under...


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

You have some very funny colleagues! I draw the line at BO though as that is disgusting. I have nearly keeled over a few times from bad smelling colleagues! Ugh!

2:44 AM  

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