Saturday, December 24, 2005

Festive joy.. or something like that.

Extended delays occuring on the blogosphere due to full-time employment and lack of lifeline/ drip installation at home. Fear not, or fear more for steps have been taken to get connected at home.

Round of applause and all round hi-five's for that consistantly inconsiderate twat with chronic flatulance on the train!

Round of applause, all round hi-five's and jump for joy... i started my new job this week *beam*. Feels like my first job I tell you!

Bit very knackered at the moment as it's been a while since I've done the 9-6 thing.

I sit amongst eight people, half of which are on holiday. Five prepy type boys who predictably talk about "the football" all the time. One young highly efficient south african lass who laughs at my jokes ( good for those blue days) and one butt of all jokes, gobby northerner! Sounds like a recipe for enjoyable and highly entertaining banter and fab blog fodder!

Have a hollyjolly Christmas, more soon.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Next lifetime

Gainfully employed and hugely relieved. I can loosen the purse strings now and go on a spending spree...look out Tesco!

It has been incredibly hard walking through Selfridges and Harvey Nics and not spend, but at the same time a delight. There's nothing quite like these department stores and when Harvey Nics will be replicated in Dobuy come January, even with all the gold finishes or whatever extravagances and hype they will put on to try and out-do London, it will never beat the feeling of walking through the London stores.

I'm excited about the new job but at the same time a little anxious as it has been over 3.5 years since working in a professional environment, where picking of the nose and clearing of the phlegm is considered ill mannered. Not only that, but working with razor sharp minds and having a boss you aspire to be like as opposed to aspire to fall on top of with a pair of scissors will be a welcomed change! I'm quite certain i will not have to worry about my boss' friend wanting to show me his penis 3 times a day as well.

Moving on, last night I went on a bit of a bender in Covent Garden with a friend from Dobuy who's in town for a few days. It's so incredibly strange meeting someone in the UK who you knew in another lifetime. Having first met him and his girlfriend in Dobuy and hung out for 3.5 years, it's just so strange meeting in London and i can't explain why.

hmmMMmm, more later.