Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Before I press on, I just wanted to differentiate this blog from the "tales from a suitcase" as I just seem to be using each one as a rant top up session!

1 - VLP has some relationship/ comparison with Dobuy.
2 - VPL may chose to have a retrospective bitching session about Dobuy.
3 - I may decide to highlight how something in Dobuy was/is better than Londinium but still find a way to bitch about Dobuy.

Moving on, I recently read this about Dobuy..."The police have called on the public to use their home safety programme during the summer vacation so as to enjoy trouble-free holidays."

Basically, sign your name and the police will drive by your house every now and then whilst you take your annual 1-2 month summer vacation. I wonder if this is an invisible tax method? Goes to show that crime is definitely on the increase even though I am sure not even a fraction of it is reported.

With any disproportionate boom in a city, the distribution of wealth gets wider and wider which eventually results in the increase of crime. Dobuy used to be a safe city and still markets itself as a safe city where you can leave your car unlocked, leave your mobile on a table with no qualms whatsoever, or leave your handbag lying around in a club whilst you go off and dance for half an hour.

Can't speak for it now, but I am quite sure the days are numbered. Before you know it, there will come a time when you can't walk down the street and talk on your new diamond studded Vertue phone as someone in a lunghi will waddle up to you, clear the phlegm from his throat, spit it out followed by itching his balls, grab your phone and then waddle off.

I am not singling out a particular race as it could be the locals as well.. Hell they have nothing else to do. There was hope that all the expat PA's would get removed and the role would be "Emiratised", but like any other law over there, it was changed a week later.

Lots of crime in London tho but we already knew that. When i moved back, I did forget and used to walk around with my handbag wide open. I used to leave my bag and phone lying on a table and wonder off, however friends would remind me to be more cautious.

Anyways, just thought i'd make a blog entry to kill the last 15 minutes of the day. Time to travel the stanky suffocating sauna tubes. I try and stand as far away from people as possible because 9 times out of 10 they brush their nasty sweaty body on you, or rub their potent pitstained pits on you!



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