Friday, August 11, 2006

Bob the builder

I was going to write something highly entertaining as usual, but i forgot what i was going to write as I was hugely distracted by the noises from the builder bum men working outside my window as they refurbish our new offices.

The refurbishments have been on going throughout the summer while the temperatures soared to +37c this summer, they still seemed to merrily bang, whistle, sing and oggle away. Of course it is nothing in comparison to the cesspit hellenious heat of Dobuy!

Proudly displaying their tats and stubbly builder bums with the radio playing in the background, the 7 of us sitting in our portaloo office would often laugh and comment on the conversations and singing we heard from the builder bum brigade. They are quite a cheery bunch and despite the ear stabbing clanging and drilling, they do provide good light entertainment on slow afternoons.

There have been a few mornings when i've nipped out for my breakie only to see a row of builders munching away, smiling, winking and laughing. Followed by a little afternoon harmonising session.

Today I was watching builders have a little competition as to who can carry the most planks over their shoulders and then later there was a massive crashing noise followed by "f*"$ Cu^£ bollox" !!

All quite a far and distant cry from the silent, seen but not heard builder boys in blue in Dobuy!