Thursday, October 20, 2005

counting down the days...

A surge of excitement in the air as i approach the finishing line, digging deep within for those last gasps of breath to help me sail through and cross that line. As I count down the days, my mission is now to make it through without getting thrown in jail... the gauntlet has been laid down, the challenge i have accepted.

Today I refrained from letting out the air of the tyres belonging to some subcontinant twat who selfishly blocked me in today. What should have been a 5 minute chore, turned out to last over an hour thanks to Mr selfish twat. Of course i made it known to him that he was incredibly selfish to do such a thing, an accusation of which he adamantly denied followed by me adamantly abstaining from punching him.

Yesterday I had to bite my tongue several times whilst having a conversation with a Dobuy airhead stuck firmly up their own arse who thinks Dobuy is the best thing since sliced bread. Another nothing from back home, who has managed to do something in Dobuy.

When I pointed out how it seems unfair that it’s virtually impossible for a non-fasting muslim or non muslim to get any food during the day during Ramadan as most restaurants are closed. Additionally I highlighted how incredibly hypocritical it is that one can get fined or thrown in jail for eating, drinking or smoking in public during the month of Ramadan, however it is still possible for someone to pick up a prostitute during daylight hours. Where is the logic in this? Her response was… end of the day; the locals rule and expats come and go, so if they don’t like it, they can leave. Very weak argument, but it wasn’t the time to take the gloves off and with a response like that, the argument would have gone nowhere.

The remainder of my time must be passed with my teeth firmly gritted and my eyes set firmly on the finishing line.



Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Oooh, whatever you're up to sounds exciting and good luck! Hilarious that you can get a prozzy but no food!

1:19 PM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

back to blighty babay!

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel free to come and check it out if you get time :-)

4:12 AM  
Blogger Jassim said...

blighty is britain? allahma3k anyway, sorry you had a bad time here. Just remember when it gets cold and you are dieing for a hot shawarma, Edgware Rd just isnt going to cut it and those posters for Emirates Airlines all over the place will be calling you back...

2:59 PM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

he he! vey good but i don't actually like shawarma's, but will miss the halal Mc D's. I highly doubt Emirates airlines will be calling me back as i am wiser and do not want all my hair to turn grey :-)

3:01 AM  

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