Saturday, October 15, 2005

People in glass houses...

...should not throw stones. They should throw ping pong balls, soggy wet tissues or even snot filled rags, but seriously just don't throw stones.

This is obviously universal and not just in VPL city, however it does baffle me how some people are so stuck in their ivory towers which they have built over night and suddenly unwillling to accept any flaws in their damas diamonds. Their recent humble past now seems a distant blur which has been replaced by an air of grandoise decended from royalty. One mustn't forget that this new house is seconds away from shattered remnants.

This is not a dig at the wealthy and neither is it a projection of jealousy but simply frustration at how the the "benjamins" can take over people and they loose all sense of value and engaging conversation. I'm happy for people who have struck it rich, but please don't forget where you came from. VPL city is rife with people running away from their pasts and this disneyland is the perfect place to live out their fantasy;

An old acquaintence I knew from back home who is now residing here once said to me;

"Don't go all Dubai on me now, i knew you from when you were back in London".

me "err.. excuse me? aren't you the one who came here and took a 100k loan within your first month to kit out your flat and buy a big 4x4 and a boat which you call a yacht? Aren't you the one who has the table here at this club to entertain all your "friends". And aren't you the one who found trouble finding a job back home, out of work for months and then came here?"

put those stones away...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:13 PM  
Blogger moryarti said...

friggen spammers

9:56 PM  
Blogger clayfuture said...

No $h1t!!

I like your style of writing. BTW... what does VPL stand for?

2:42 AM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

Thanks you.
Visible Panty Line. You know when women take a lot of care and effort in painting their faces and picking out their wardrobe but can't even get the basics right...well it's kinda a metaphor for Dobuy. make it look all pwetty but failing to get the basics right..

4:50 AM  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Gosh I never get over the craziness of that place. £100K to kit yourself out? F*cking hell! Well it sounds like that aquaintance needs to hold onto his stones the cheeky feck! x

1:57 PM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

ah, sorry i was referring to local currency which equated to 19k sterling back then.. still A LOT! but it included paying the years rent as well - not trying to defend him, but just to put in perspective what some people do here just to look "dubai"

2:09 PM  
Blogger moryarti said... buying things they don't need, with money they don't have to impress people they don't know :)

5:34 AM  

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