Monday, October 24, 2005

Reap what you sow

There is something missing, an essence, a seed which you can nurture and grow, pluck and prune, shape it into the trees of the future with a thousand tales to tell, with roots to spread. As a substitute, palm trees are brought in and plastered all over the city or imitating innovation from around the world and making it grander or glistening with the sweat of poor unpaid laborers.

A city without a soul stifles creativity with nothing to keep it grounded, to see it through the good times and bad. A city which is highly dependant on how things look as opposed to how things actually work is setting itself up for a huge downfall.

A get rich quick policy to grow a city echoes into every iota of life creating selfish people with a short-term view. You are never encouraged to contribute to society, but more to line your pockets so you can keep up with the Jones’.


Blogger Parv said...

Well said.

And yet...this land will continue to be built, devoid of any soul or culture, and it will continue to shine...with all its gleaming towers, flashy lifestyles, and world's largests.

Why? Cos the majority of its lifeless inhabitants have come here for exactly that - they've come for the bling, the beamers and the babes.

And hopefully, the more sensible of us lot (who realise there's more to life than weekly trips to the Madinat J) will weave ourselves out of this vicious web before its too late.

2:31 AM  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

It is sad that this place has been built without a soul. Unfortunately the kind of behaviour which they have which is wholeheartedly based on materialism, will cause a big fall.

4:10 PM  

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