Thursday, November 10, 2005

I'm not a celebrity, so i got outta there!

Apologies for the delayed blogging my dear readers, for i was busy with the small task of hauling my little ass the hell outta Dobuy! Yes indeedy, i am now an ever so proud X-expat people! I am back in the land on normal, where people pay taxes, ride the tubes, trains are delayed, it rains almost everyday.. but hell i LOVE it. It's real.

Simple interaction with people, is so different as these people have an edge where not all their emphasis is on the material.

The only place a wiggling head belongs is on the dashboard of a car (those annoying little stick on ornaments people put on their dashboard as opposed to flowery tissue boxes or crusty smelly feet).

No longer will i have to speak to someone where they feel the need to name drop the name of some rich folk!

I know get to meet and speak with people who have something interesting to say.

No longer will i feel the need to curl my eye lashes simply to visit the supermarket.

No longer do i have to repeat myself 10 times for a simple task to be completed.

No longer will i have to shout at someone to get something done.

I can walk for hours down streets to those tucked away little coffee shops which i longed for, where you can sip a cappucino feeling completely anonymous.

i walk down the street i feel free, a sense of liberty.

more soon...


Blogger CG said...

I am sure Dubai is missing your sad soul.

6:42 AM  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Welcome home! I'm so impressed! London rocks and we'll have to meet up :-)

4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"London baby" - Bye, bye Dubai - I do hope that there will be a Rendezvous sometime soon ;-)

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had known you whilst you were here.. we have so much in common.

you never did tell us what happened to the lebo flasher...

anyways... take care and keep blogging

11:41 PM  
Blogger ReginaFilangee said...

CG - kiss ma ass! i double dare you!

NML - for sure! sorry havent had time to check your blog lately as my internet time is very limited at the mo. Drinkies with NK are on the cards!x

6:24 AM  
Blogger Parv said...

i'm green with envy.

'nuff said.

3:32 AM  

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