Commuter tips
It is ok to dispose of your litter on public transport.. heck that’s another reason why it's there. With so many people around, how will they ever guess it was you? Quietly slip your newspaper behind you when you’re done with it; it’s called recycling, so don’t worry! Someone else will come and pick it up very soon. Slip your crisp packets beside you and your drink cartons underneath your seat. Feel free to dispose of gum absolutely anywhere. If it’s within the vicinity of being able to stick on someone’s shoe or item of clothing, so much the better.
It’s highly advisable to take reading material with you or atleast something to occupy your attention otherwise, by the weekend you’ll be suffering from a crane neck. It’s amazing how oblivious we are to that awful habit of reading someone else’s paper whilst we are sat next to them. First you’re just scanning the headlines, then you catch something which interests you. Completely engulfed, you’re almost peering over their shoulder and running your index finger underneath the text! Then they go and turn the page just when the article gets meaty! And now you’re pissed off and sat there wondering about it.
Wouldn’t advise ladies to keep sanitary products in an open section of your handbag as there might come a time when you reach for your ticket and instead have reached for a pantliner. It would make for an effective advertising campaign highlighting just how thin they are – remarkable indeed!
It’s highly advisable to take reading material with you or atleast something to occupy your attention otherwise, by the weekend you’ll be suffering from a crane neck. It’s amazing how oblivious we are to that awful habit of reading someone else’s paper whilst we are sat next to them. First you’re just scanning the headlines, then you catch something which interests you. Completely engulfed, you’re almost peering over their shoulder and running your index finger underneath the text! Then they go and turn the page just when the article gets meaty! And now you’re pissed off and sat there wondering about it.
Wouldn’t advise ladies to keep sanitary products in an open section of your handbag as there might come a time when you reach for your ticket and instead have reached for a pantliner. It would make for an effective advertising campaign highlighting just how thin they are – remarkable indeed!